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Laboratory Medicine

Test catalogue


Test Name


Navy Tube Specimen Type/Requirements

Container Type = 1 Royal Blue Top Tube (K2-EDTA)

Minimum Testing Volume = 4 ml Blood

Specimen Handling

Collection Instructions: Collect 4 mL K2-EDTA blood in contaminant-free tube. Do not open tube or separate. Write your initials, date and time of collection on the collection label or requisition.

Laboratory Staff Instructions: Do not spin sample.

Rejection Criteria: Plasma, serum, gold seperator, Unlabeled or Not Sufficient Quantity samples will be rejected.

Stability: N/A

Transportation: Send to Core Lab as soon as possible

Required Documentation

Turnaround Time (TAT)

10 Day

Reference Value

0.0 - 20.9 nmol/L

Test Code



ICP-TripleQ MS

Testing Location

Referred Out – ON, Canada (ROICL02)

Other Information