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Unity Health Toronto - Laboratory Medicine

Test Catalogue

Neurofilament Light Chain (NFL)

Test Name

Neurofilament Light Chain (NFL)

Gold Tube Specimen Type / Requirements

Container Type = 1 Gold or Red top tube

Minimum Testing Volume = 0.4mL serum

Preferred Volume = 1.0mL serum

Tube must fill to at least ½ or greater of its vacuum capacity

Test is also available on CSF specimen

Specimen Handling

Collection Instructions: Collect specimen in gold or red top tube. High dose biotin supplementation may interfere with this test. It is recommended to ask all patients who may be indicated for this test about biotin supplementation. Patients should stop biotin consumption at least 72 hours prior to the collection of a sample. Ensure collection date and time is provided.

Laboratory Staff Instructions: Allow samples to clot completely at room temperature prior to centrifugation. Separate from cells within 2 hours of collection and store frozen.

Rejection Criteria: Unlabeled, uncapped or leaking samples. Thaw samples no more than 3 times.

Transportation: Send sample to St Michael's Core lab as soon as possible.


(15 to 30°C)
(2 to 8°C)
-20°C or lower
 1 day  14 days 3 years 

Turnaround Time (TAT)

14 days

Required Documentation

Reference Value

0 to 4y : < 1.97 pg/mL
5 to 9y : < 1.64 pg/mL
10 to 14y : < 1.43 pg/mL
15 to 19y : < 1.60 pg/mL
20 to 29y : < 1.65 pg/mL
30 to 39y : < 1.88 pg/mL
40 to 49y : < 2.14 pg/mL
50 to 59 y : < 3.79 pg/mL
60 to 69 y : < 4.62 pg/mL
70 to 79y : < 7.65 pg/mL
> 79y : < 11.56 pg/mL

Reference Ranges (CSF): None established in CSF; Serum NfL (sNfL) levels in healthy individuals are about 2.5% of the levels in CSF and correlate highly with the concentrations in CSF.

Test Code



Roche Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay

Testing Location

SMH - Biochemistry

Other Information

Last Updated: August 19, 2024