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Laboratory Medicine

Test catalogue

Microarray Follow Up FISH

Test Name

Microarray Follow Up FISH (See Req To Specify Test)

Na-Hep Tube Specimen Type / Requirements

Container Type = 1 Green Top (Na Hep)

Volume: 0-3 months 1-3 mL

3 months-12 years: 3-6 mL

12 years - adult: 6 mL

Tube must fill to at least ½ or greater of its vacuum capacity

Specimen Handling

Collection Instructions: Collect in green top (Sodium Heparin) top.Note: Valid indication(s) required for cytogenetic analysis. Write your initials, date and time of collection on the collection label or requisition.

Laboratory Staff Instructions: Ship whole blood at room temperature Monday to Thursday so that the Laboratory will receive the specimen within 24-48 hours after collection. If there is a delay in the shipping of specimen (i.e.>48 hours), the sample should be placed in the refrigerator and shipped to Laboratory on ice

Rejection Criteria: Serum , plasma, Unlabeled or Not Sufficient Quantity Samples will be rejected.

Stability: Stable at room temperature for 24 - 48hours, refrigerated for 7 Days.

Transportation: Send sample to core lab as soon as possible.

Required Documentation

Turnaround Time (TAT)

4 Weeks

Test Utilization


Reference Value

See Interpretative Report

Test Code



3 day PHA-stimulated thymidine-synchronized culture; FISH (Fluorescence in situ hybridization)

Testing Location

Referred Out – ON, Canada (ROSK01)

Other Information

Last updated: Feb 25, 2021