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Laboratory Medicine

Test catalogue

Ketones, Urine

Test Name

Ketones, Urine

Urine sample Specimen Type / Requirements

Container Type = Sterile orange cap

Minimum Testing Volume = 2mL urine

Specimen Handling

Collection Instructions: Collect sample in a sterile orange cap container. Write your initials, date and time of collection on the collection label.

Laboratory Staff Instructions: Pour and aliquot using the big clear (UMAC) and run on the semiens urine alanyzer. It is the same process as the UMAC

Rejection Criteria: Multiple freeze/thaw unacceptable, grossly hemolyzed, unlabeled or samples of non specific quantity.

Stability: Stable for 5 days at room temperature (tightly capped), refrigerated 1 week (tightly capped), frozen 1 month.

Transportation: Send sample to core lab as soon as possible.

Required Documentation

Turn Around Time (TAT)

2 hours stat/trauma 4 hours routine

Test Utilization

Reference Value

Not Detected

Test code



Reflectance Spectrophotometry

Testing Location


Other Information

Last Updated: September 30, 2019