Laboratory Medicine
Test catalogue
Cord Blood (For ABO and Rh grouping and DAT | |
Test NameCord Blood (Blood Group and DAT) |
Specimen HandlingCollection Instructions: Collect sample in 1 Pink Top tube. Sample should be well mixed at time of collection. Specimens and TM Requisition MUST be labeled with Mother's Patient Information. Specimen must be labeled as CORD BLOOD. (If twins, clearly note TWIN A and TWIN B on appropriate specimen and requisition) Requisition must have ordering physician, phlebotomist signature, collection date and time. Stability: Stable at room temperature for 8 hrs. Transportation: Send to Transfusion Medicine lab at room temperature as soon as possible. Sample Rejection Criteria: Grossly hemolytic, icteric or lipemic specimens. Unlabeled and/or mislabeled specimens. Incomplete TM requisitions. |
Required DocumentationEnsure requisition is complete with ordering physician name and phlebotomist signature, date and time of draw. |
Turnaround Time (TAT)4-6 hours |
Test UtilizationOnce |
Reference ValueDAT: Negative |
Test CodeCORD |
MethodologyHemagglutination |
Testing LocationSMH-Transfusion Medicine (Blood Bank) |
Other InformationNot routinely performed on Rh Positive Mothers Last Updated: October 02, 2019 |