Laboratory Medicine
Test catalogue
Anti-Streptolysin O Titre | |
Test NameAnti-Streptolysin O Titre (ASOT, Streptozyme) |
Specimen HandlingCollection Instructions: Collect sample in gold or red top with or without gel separator. Write your initials, date and time of collection on the collection label. Special Instructions Acute and convalescent sera (10-14 days after onset of illness) should be analyzed to document acute infection Separate from cells within 2 hours of collection. Store and send frozen. Rejection Criteria: Plasma, Gross hemolysis, Unlabeled or Not Sufficient Quantity Samples. Stability: Stable at room temperature for 8 hours, refrigerated for 48 Hrs and frozen at -20C or colder for 20 days. Thaw samples only once. Transportation: Send sample to core lab as soon as possible. |
Required Documentation |
Turnaround Time (TAT)5 Days |
Test UtilizationRoutine > 5 Days |
Reference ValueAdults and Children >3 yearsNegative: < 200 IU/mL Children <=3 yearsNegative: < 50 IUmL A 4 fold rise or fall in antibody titre is compatible with a recent streptococcal infection. The peak ASOT is usually achieved by 3 to 5 weeks post infection, then declines over the next 6 to 8 weeks. |
Test codeASOT |
MethodologyLatex Agglutination |
Testing LocationReferred Out – ON, Canada (ROICL02) |
Other Information